Level Best Concrete Flooring floor surveyors team have been surveying this large warehouse in Ossett, near Wakefield in West Yorkshire. The warehouse has now been vacated by the previous tenant and a full dilapidation schedule was required by the landlords, particularly on the floors internally and externally. The warehouse market place in West Yorkshire is still quite buoyant and so it shouldn’t be too long before new tenants start to show some interest. This Wakefield warehouse floor survey showed numerous racking bolts fixings, cracks repairs, joint replacement and patch repairs. Level Best will compile a full schedule for the agreements to be made and the contract in Wakefield to commence.
For more details on how the Level Best team can report on your concrete floors in Wakefield or anywhere else in the UK, please contact us on 01405 819199 or e mail enquiries@levelbestconcreteflooring.co.uk