As the demand for high quality industrial, commercial and logistics space continues, Level Best Dilapidation and Repairs are remaining at full capacity moving into the month of August 2023.
Level Best’s specialist floor surveyors have been kept busy over the last six months inspecting industrial warehouse floors providing advice to landlords, industrial occupants and contractors on the best way to proceed when repairing commercial concrete floors, with a keen eye on a quality long-lasting repair whilst monitoring costs and predominately duration and programme given the shortage of high-quality industrial space.
Level Best various specialist floor repair teams will be completing the following projects over the next month throughout the UK:-
- Racking aisle expansion joint floor repairs in live warehouse facility in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.
- Industrial floor cleaning and polishing in Hayes, London providing new incoming tenant with an easy-clean, low-maintenance logistics space.
- Redundant racking bolt full depth removal and infilling in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire as part of wider refurbishment project.
- Specialist industrial concrete floor cleaning, polishing and sealing in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire providing reduced life cycle costing commercial space.
- Live distribution centre heavy-duty joint repairs to high-traffic aisles in Sheffield, South Yorkshire direct for exiting logistical occupant.
- Level access doorway joint repairs in Rotherham, South Yorkshire replacing non-compliant doorways floor joints.
Level Best Dilapidations are assisting a wide variety of clients above with the repurposing, refurbishment and repair of their redundant commercial premises.
For more information on the above industrial, commercial and logistics concrete floor repair solutions, please contact Level Best for a free floor inspection on 01405 819 199.