Level Best Concrete Flooring enter November 2021 with an extensive volume of industrial concrete floor dilapidation and refurbishment contracts to complete and handover to new and existing clients throughout the UK. All the below contracts commenced with a dilapidation survey following the tenancy coming to an end. One of Level Best’s four floor surveyors visited site to complete the dilapidation survey and recommend the ‘best practice’ industrial solutions for the client.
- Full scope industrial concrete floor dilapidation, refurbishment and repair contract in Beeston, Nottingham.
- Previous tenant installed racking and fixing bolt core drill removal and repair in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
- Full scope industrial concrete floor dilapidation, refurbishment and repair contract in Coventry, Warwickshire.
- Existing industrial concrete floor slab removal and heavy-duty reinstatement in Daventry, Northamptonshire.
- Shutdown and maintenance existing service yard removal and replacement in Enfield, North London.
As you can see from above, Level Best’s experienced industrial concrete floor repair and dilapidation teams will be operating throughout the UK, ranging all the way from Yorkshire to Northamptonshire and on to London. To learn more about the various concrete floor repair and replacement solutions programmed to be carried out in the coming month, please contact Level Best onenquiries@levelbestconcreteflooring.co.uk or call on 01405 819199.