Level Best Dilapidations are assisting and advising industrial, distribution and commercial warehouse landlords, tenants, occupants, and facilities managers with a live warehouse facility concrete floor joint repair service throughout the UK.
Concrete floor joint breakdown is an inherent defect arising when operating forklift and materials handling equipment (MHE) in a live warehouse facility. Concrete floor joints are a necessary requirement when designing and building new warehouse floors, providing critical stress relief at predetermined locations. Therefore, the life cycle costs associated with the maintenance, repair and damage caused by the joints cannot be avoided.
This is why it is important to deal with the joint defect failure in an appropriate, timely and effective manner. This is where Level Best’s specialist service comes in. The service commences with a free, no obligation site survey and inspection to review the breakdown, quantify the extent and propose the ideal repair solution. Proposals are made based upon condition, programme, and costs.
Level Best’s extensive experience in the design and installation of new warehouse floors is the ideal starting point, due to the company’s knowledge, understanding and experience in the performance of industrial concrete floors. Level Best’s floor surveyors consider all underlying factors and variables when inspecting and reviewing the concrete floor joint breakdown.
A variety of floor joint repair solutions are available; however, the cause and extent of the joint defect/failure generally determines the repair solution. The floor design is considered, the location of the joint in relation to high traffic areas is reviewed and the window repair of opportunity is discussed with the warehouse team and facilities managers.
Please contact Level Best, via the Contact Us page, if you have a broken-down defective warehouse floor joint requiring review and repair in your live warehouse facility. Level Best can generally attend site within 7 days to inspect the joint problem and advise on the next steps.