Level Best Dilapidation contractors are carrying out numerous projects throughout the UK and listed below is a brief list of thos jobs to be carried out in June 2022.
Concrete repairs to warehouse floor slab in Barnsly, South Yorkshire
Haulage Yard replacement in Leeds, West Yorkshire
Joint sealant works in Crick, Daaventry, Northamptonshire
Concrete yard replacement and renewal including new drainage systems at Daventry Railport, Daventry, Northamptonshire
Floor renovation system at Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire to include full floor polish, joint repairs, racking bolt repairs and Level access doorway repairs.
This is a brief summary of the concrete floor remedial repair works to be carried out in June, if you have a floor slab yo would like us to survey and provide repair costs on, then please contact one of our friendly and helpful floor survey team members on either 01405 819199 or simply email enquiries@levelbestconcreteflooring.co.uk