Level Best Concrete Flooring, one of Europe’s leading floor refurbishment and renovation contractors, has completed another major floor dilapidation contract on behalf of a fantastic repeat Contractor and repeat Client in Prologis, this time in Kettering, Northamptonshire.
Level Best’s Floor Renovation Team commenced on site back in March 2020 and have worked day and night when required to ensure the Contractor’s programme was met. As is always the case with Level Best’s major floor refurbishment contracts, preparatory remedials are carried out in advance of the 6-stage polishing. Full scope of works as follows:
- 600 linear metres of armoured steel floor joints were replaced with a brand new structural floor joint repair system
- 1,800 linear metres of remaining sawn induced contraction joints were cleaned and sealed
- 12,000 linear metres of line marking and demarcations removed without damaging the floor surface
- Localised floor repairs from various different intrusions were carried out throughout the warehouse
- 6,000 racking bolts were cored out and removed with subsequent filling with colour matched structural grade repair material
- 35,000m² of floor area was cleaned and polished using the enhancing 6-stage polishing system
The successful completion of this dilapidation contract adds another 35,000m² of industrial warehouse floor repair, cleaning and polishing to Level Best’s ever expanding refurbishment portfolio. To learn more about Level Best’s portfolio of dilapidation concrete flooring solutions the likes of Prologis are opting for, give one of their flooring experts a call on 01405 819199 or email them at enquiries@levelbestconcreteflooring.co.uk