Fixing and racking bolt removal services at Level Best Dilapidations

Level Best Concrete Flooring, concrete flooring dilapidation works specialists, carry out the removal of previous tenant installed fixing and racking bolts on the majority of dilapidation projects the Yorkshire-based industrial specialist are involved in.

During the preliminary dilapidation survey stage of a scheme, one of Level Best’s experienced floor surveyors will visit site to carry out a dilapidation survey. During this survey Level best will quantify the number of fixing and racking bolts which require removing. The surveyor not only quantifies a total number of bolts but also the type of bolt, as the type of bolt and its relation to the concrete floor determines the best practice removal method. Level Best’s dilapidation survey service is a free service and is carried out throughout the UK, Channel Islands and mainland Europe.

Level Best’s recommended fixing and racking bolt removal method is the full depth core drill removal. This structural removal method provides the building owner and incoming tenant with a structural floor repair, allowing racking to be situated anywhere throughout the industrial unit. The core drill racking bolt removal method involves core drilling the bolt out full depth and filling with a high-strength repair mortar – this method and product means that the building owner and tenant are not constantly returning to and repairing the cheaper, outdated “shallow” repair method. This method is advised against on all dilapidation projects.

If you have an industrial concrete floor which requires fixing and racking bolt removal anywhere in the UK and Europe as part of your dilapidation works. Or for more information on Level Best’s structurally sound racking bolt removal methods then please contact on 01405 819199 or alternatively email .

fixing and racking bolt removal service at Level Best Dilapidations
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