Level Best Concrete Flooring the concrete yard repair, replace and remove specialist has been working tirelessly throughout the Christmas shutdown period to ensure this worldwide parcel distributor remains operational in the forthcoming year. Level Best had to repair and replace existing manholes and damaged concrete sections of the yard in numerous locations at the 40,000m2 parcel distribution centre in Bedford, Bedfordshire. The concrete remove and replacement team from Level Best commenced the removal of the damaged concrete yard on Christmas Eve and working around the clock, completed the works on the 28th December 2019 to allow access back to the client. The concrete mix design by Level Best is based upon vehicles trafficking the floor after 48 hours and so a concrete mix with an extremely high cement content and microsilica additives was used to provide sufficient concrete strength was achieved. The only downside using a concrete mix of such a high strength is physically laying the product itself, however with Level Best Concrete Flooring the staff have vast experience in suing these types of concrete mixes and so no problems were incurred.
Should you be interested in this concrete floor replacement project in Bedford please contact the office and ask for either Adam Brown or Matt Lill on 01405 819199 and they will happily assist you with your enquiry. If you have the need for the removal and replacement of your own haulage yard, distribution centre or internal warehouse concrete floor, then please call the same number 01405 819199 and ask for the estimating department and someone will help you with your concrete flooring problem. Alternatively you can e mail details of your damaged concrete floor to enquiries@