The railport at Daventry International Railfreight Terminal (DIRFT) needs to be in operation constantly to allow trains to be unloaded and trucks to deliver vital personal protective equipment throughout the country. Level Best Concrete Flooring has case expertise in the removal and replacement of damaged concrete floors both internally and externally. Once the initial dilapidation survey had taken place and agreed between tenant and client the concrete repair contractors immediately commenced their works on site to allow the terminal to remain operational.
With a large amount of concrete removal equipment owned and operated by the industrial concrete flooring contractors, Level Best is perfectly suited to deal with all of the different types of concrete floor repairs required in such facilities as Daventry. This particular project will see Level Best remove approximately 500m2 of damaged concrete yard and replaced with a high strength reinforced new industrial concrete floor replacement. For more details on the concrete flooring services that Level Best Concrete Flooring can provide for you please contact us at or telephone 01405 819199 and ask for estimating.