Agricultural to Industrial Storage Repurposing


Here at Level Best Dilapidations, we have a solution specifically designed to help farmers convert their agricultural buildings to rentable commercial warehouses. 

Many of the traditional agricultural clients we work with are looking at the possibilities for “change of use” to commercial and industrial uses for their buildings, and in the vast majority of cases the floor is the most important part of the building. As without a quality concrete floor slab future tenants are unable to trade safely and efficiently. 

Level Best are Yorkshire based concrete flooring experts we provide a “one stop” solution to every potential eventuality which can occur during the change of use process, with a vast array of information to help increase the asset value and subsequent rental value of their buildings in the future.

We also work in conjunction with the various planning specialists to look into how you can potentially unlock further opportunities with your and your buildings, providing opportunities you may not even been aware of.

Our companies own buildings are proof of what can be made possible with guidance and experience from our own findings, which also proves testament to our experience.

Not only at Level Best Concrete Flooring the experts in installing and renovating your concrete floors we have already carried this out in our own buildings on the outskirts of Goole. Croft Farm on Swinefleet Common near Goole was a working farm until 2015 and the buildings were all designed around arable farming . The buildings were more akin to housing grain and tractors, rather than laser screeds and powerfloats, but over time the alterations were successfully made. The Level Best team set about removing, replacing and re- modelling the existing internal and external concrete floors to allow the smooth trading of the concrete flooring business and the transition from agricultural to commercial buildings was born. The Level Best staff has learned a lot from this experience and are now here to help you with your move from agricultural buildings to commercial and industrial usage.


Concrete Flooring Renovation project in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire

Following the completion of the previous occupant’s tenancy, the warehouse floor was left in a state of disrepair on this large industrial unit in Hemel Hempstead. The previous tenant operated typical racking and forklift operations, all of which; leave the … Read More

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External Yard Repairs Doncaster, South Yorkshire

Level Best Concrete Flooring was contacted by a repeat client, who expressed their concerns with another haulage yard in Doncaster, upon our initial estimation prior to the works starting Level Best discussed the damaged joints, cracks and subsequent damage from … Read More

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Warehouse Floor Finish Samples In Leicester

Level Best Concrete Flooring have been carrying out samples to show the building owners and exiting tenants what sort of floor finish we can achieve. We have discussed the costs, provided three sample areas at three different stages and showcased … Read More

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Level Best’s HDJR Installed in live warehouse facility in Doncaster, South Yorkshire

Level Best Concrete Flooring’s Repair Team have completed yet another Heavy-Duty Joint Repair (HDJR) System in a live warehouse facility in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Level Best’s expert concrete floor expansion joint repair team worked over the weekend, out-of-hours for the … Read More

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Contact Us

Level Best Concrete Flooring Contractors Reading Gate, Swinefleet Common, Swinefleet, Goole, DN14 8DW 01405 819199 Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm
